Watt Else?
A curated collection of Business Memes — serious and playful — to provide perspective on Strategy, Branding, Marketing, and Assorted Business Stuff. Take a quick break and energize your Thinking!

How important is branding to your business?
Liquid Death started its life as a punchline on the internet. But it's quickly turned its savvy branding and distinctive tallboy cans into a $1B business… selling water! Their tagline: Murder Your Thirst!

“Safe advertising is the riskiest advertising you can do.”
– Bill Bernbach, Co-founder, BBDO Advertising Agency

"…on everything!"
NOT YANKELOVICH, the researcher...
Don't make me play this video...
…okay, I told you if you keep on using that business jargon...
Okay, you asked for it.
Here's a fresh look at at business, by one of the most unusual business consultants around...
You know the words… sing along!

Real Branding!
After so many years of working with so many clients on their strategy and branding… this is actual “Branding”!!
This is where the word came from… from branding cattle.

DM News

Weak strategic thinking often follows mistaken assumptions.
Good strategic and brand thinking looks in the right places!

— “Brands And Branding” (Bloomberg Press)

“Thinking is the hardest work there is. That is probably why so few people engage in it.”
— Henry Ford

Decisions comparing Apples to Oranges will seem tough.
A novel way to start making complex decisions is before they get thrown into a confusing stew of strategic mush,… is Digital Decision-Making.
It combines a consulting approach with a "digital/mathematical" process, to help us definitely evaluate and decide any complex issue, (Yes, there's more to this, but it's amazingly efficient and provides authoritative clarity. Not bad..)
You might look into Digital Decision-Making. (Strategic Consulting tab)

In the 1920’s, the head of one of America’s largest advertising agencies presented his firm’s credentials to George Washington Hill – the CEO of American Tobacco. “If you give us your account, we will dedicate more than 50 copywriters to it.” he said.
Hill responded: “How about just one good one?”

Picture This: A group of wolves in the Artic.
The 3 in front are old & sick, they walk in front to set the pace of the running group lest they get left behind.
The next 5 are the strongest & best, they are tasked to protect the front side if there is an attack.
The pack in the middle are always protected from any attack.
The 5 behind them are also among the strongest & best; they are tasked to protect the back side if there is an attack.
The last one is the LEADER. He ensures that no one is left behind. He keeps the pack unified and on the same path. He is always ready to run in any direction to protect & serves as the 'bodyguard' to the entire group.
Just in case you wanted to know what it really means to be a leader.

"Best Practices?"
"Yes, there are likely some good things to learn from… but don't limit the scope or success of your endeavor by what happened to work elsewhere for another company in completely different circumstances."
— Joel Alpert
Chief Lightbulb

John Caples
Direct Response Copywriter
Author of "Tested Advertising Methods"
"Every single element in an advertisement - headline, subhead, photo, and copy - must be put there not because it looks good, not because it sounds good, but because testing has shown that it works best!"
— John Caples

The most frequent reason for unsuccessful advertising is advertisers who are so full of their own accomplishments (the world's best seed!) that they forget to tell us why we should buy (the world's best lawn!).

Copywriter John Caples wrote what probably is the most famous ad of all time: "They Laughed When I Sat Down At the Piano..."
"If I had a year to write an advertisement, I'd spend 50 weeks researching the customers and the market… a week writing it… put it aside for a few days… and edit it on the last day or two."
— John Caples
Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein made similar quotes.
Einstein's quote is below

"And now for something completely different." from Monty Python's John Cleese:
"The Irony of Hiring Experts"
Here's an excerpted clip from Cleese on the irony of not knowing enough… and certainly not knowing enough to hire the right experts who might help your business And just how "stupid" (!) that can be!
References research conducted by David Dunning and Justin Kruger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning-...)
(Don't mind the political references to left and right...Cleese is a man of perspective!)

You don't have to send flowers. (Okay, a good bourbon, Speyside, or Johnny Walker Blue Label would be nice…)
Robert Fritz
Innovator, Author,
Developer of Structural Consulting, Technologies For Creatiing, and more

"Joel asserts…
"It's good to be ignorant!"
Joel shares strategic insight into brand development (and all areas of business strategy and marketing), with a group of experienced marketers…
…and explains why it's good to be ignorant. And reveals The Secret Power Of The Rubber Band."
This video is here because Joel studied Structural Consulting with Robert Fritz for many years.

Why Did The Chicken
Cross The Road?
Seriously… why?
These pretty funny chicken jokes make you think about the nature of Q&A.
How you approach those questions will impact all you do — Strategic Planning,...Branding and Rebrand... Marketing....and more!
A very entertaining piece that will make you think.
click >> in upper-right corner of the pdf to print, download, more
““You cannot create what you want by moving away from what you don’t want.”
— Robert Fritz
“If you limit your choice only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.”
— Robert Fritz
“The way to activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you activate vast human energies and resources, which otherwise go untapped.”
— Robert Fritz
“If we took the car to the garage and got the wheels aligned, our steering habits would change immediately. When we wanted to drive straight, we would steer straight. And iit wouldn’t take any time to adopt the new behavior. In this case, a change of structure leads to a change in behavior automatically and naturally.”
— Robert Fritz
“Reality is an acquired taste.”
— Robert Fritz

From the classic "cartoon book" by Joel's
most amazing mentor, Robert Fritz:
"A short course in
what you always
wanted to
but couldn't before
because nobody ever told you how
because they didn't know either."

“People often substitute a concept of reality for reality. Then they impose their concept on themselves. Since one of the fundamentals (of Structural Tension, the discrepancy between your goal and Current Reality) is an accurate view of reality, it is important to learn how to look freshly, rather than impose our old concepts on reality. Sherlock Holmes said to Watson “You look, but you do not observe.” Sometimes we’re all Watsons. We need to be Holmes.
When you look at reality, start without a concept, and you will be able to see more. Instead of filling in what we don't know by speculating, just decree what you do know. As TV’s Dragnet’s Sergeant Friday used to say: "Just the facts, Ma’am.” If you separate what you know as fact from other than fact (speculations, conjecture, theories, concepts) you will see more reality, because when you don't know you will ask. And that’s a good thing.”
— Robert Fritz, The Path Of Least Resistance For Managers (p35)

<< Robert Fritz explains why this really interesting story is well-intentioned… but really ridiculous, and The Blind Men need some smart consulting!
Bring peanuts… check it out!
[ click the >> symbol (upper right corner ... then "Current View" to enlarge on screen or print ]
A Quick Interview Excerpt during the "Lightening Round"... about Rubber Bands
When Joel Alpert ws asked about his favorite book during an online interview with Mohammad Bashir, he noted a key principal from this breakthrough thinking: Structural Tension. This describes a natural "dynamic tension" you can cultivate — the discrepancy between achieving your goals and your current state — to navigate the path you can take to achieve your goals.

Thinking Is Good. At a remarkable "street art" exhibit downtown, called #Dumpsters… where the museum was placed in various dumpster/shipping containers.
David Ogilvy
Famed Ad Guy
Co-Founder of Ogilvy I Mather (perhaps the biggest ad agency name in history), famed copywriter and creative director
The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.
“The creative process requires more than reason. Most original thinking isn't even verbal. It requires 'a groping experimentation with ideas, governed by intuitive hunches and inspired by the unconscious.' The majority of business men are incapable of original thinking because they are unable to escape from the tyranny of reason. Their imaginations are blocked.”

“When you are appointed to head an office in the Ogilvy & Mather chain, I send you one of these Russian dolls. Inside the smallest you will find this message: “If each one of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs, but if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants."
— David Ogilvy

You want The Magic Silver Bullet… the fast answer to all your business and marketing problems? Sorry, it don't exist.

Did you somehow find MarketPowerOnline.com, and think we're a good match for someone you know in business?
Let them know! If they become a client, we'll say thanks for your referral with a FREE LinkedIn Profile upgrade!

"It's Not Creative
Unless It Sells."
— Benton & Bowles

Albert Einstein
Quotes from a very very smart guy

Strategic thinking is serious thinking...but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun along the way! This working session with a national trade association on a pontoon boat!

"Be yourself,
everyone else is taken"

Managing Complex Change:
Simpler and more complex programs require a coordination of components.... these can vary for the company and the endeavor. When something significant is missing...

Product Development by Woody Allen
You'll want an expert product tester like Woody Allen, to demonstrate the capabilities and power of the Execu-Cizer -- the combination desk and exercise device for busy executives.

Word Crimes — we're all guilty sometimes. Are you in rehab?