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brand stamp to indicate company brand identity development
second brand stamp to indicate company rebranding or business brand

Atlanta ReBrand Consultant asks two key questions: 

Why ReBrand?


iconic marketpower lightbulb

…to turn off the facet."

 — Author Unknown

"We are too busy mopping the floor…"

computer mouse to indicate hover

And why might you…

Your MarketPower PowerReBrand is far more strategic. When you properly level-up your branding, to meet the needs of your evolving target markets, your company, products & services clearly match the interests of your buyers… so you sell more, faster. Isn't that what you want? 

Shift Happens. It's natural for your business, your competitors, and your marketplace to continually evolve.

Sometimes company offerings and descriptions need to be "deconstructed" and revamped, because they've gotten complicated or unclear. Could be a business process has become inefficient. Could be a reorg or acquisition. Or the essence of some of your offerings—  or the company's overall target market has drifted..


While many of the fundamentals of your company, products and services may be there, your business and branding revolves around up-to-date product/service offerings, and the presentation of your company as a clear value.


You'll want to ensure that your products and services are refined to meet the interests of your target markets. We'll want to understand and engineer the customer experience to meet their interests.

You'll want to leverage your prospect and customer base, and your employees, ensuring that your inner circle understands your brand message, and can be natural advocates.


You'll want clear, compelling marketing communications that work. Driven by a thought-out marketing program, integrated with brand-building, social media marketing, and targeted response-oriented programs to move the needle.


Continuing. through sales, onboarding, customer service, and beyond.  (That applies to SMB, too — that's not fancy shmancy stuff just for the Fortune 500.) 

Some businesspeople get nervous about a rebrand, thinking they'll lose brand equity. Sure, you can mess it up, like anything else. However, when done well, your rebrand will call attention to your evolution even in the short-term, and have a major impact to help your business grow.


(We know, because we plan and execute powerfully — from the brand identity itself to the "brebrand transition"  — it always increases profitability.)


You can do some of it, or all of it to reach all corners of our business. One thing is for sure — it will impact your business in a big way.

That's a good part of the idea behind your PoweReBrand.

ReBranding gives you a chance to present your company's current  strengths, so you can compete and sell more powerfully!
Even if you’ve been in business for years.

(Especially if you've been in business for years!) 


”Our Great Wraps brand was in need of repositioning, and we turned to Joel Alpert at MarketPower for help. Joel helped us discover what customers valued in Great Wraps. In doing so, he essentially reintroduced us to our Brand. He worked with us on strategic thinking, research, and helped us create a meaningful tagline. Equipped with this superior brand identity, we are now moving with confidence to redesign every element of the Brand. Our future is indeed brighter. If you’re seeking to delve into the core of your Brand, I recommend Joel Alpert to lead the way.”

Mark Kaplan


Great Wraps

“The second time we hired Joel was to help us plan and develop our branding and marketing program for our IT Services company. We are in a very, very competitive market, and knew that strong branding and marketing was necessary to differentiate ourselves. Joel has worked with us on his “PowerBranding” strategic process, through detailed content and “creative direction.” When we have shown marketing materials such as website or brochure to our prospects, they have consistently commented — without us asking — that they really like our strategy, content, marketing, and design, and that is one of the key differentiators we have been looking for.”


Bala Guntipalli Senior VP

TechVelocity Partners

Let's think it through…

Atlanta ReBranding Consultant asks:

Your rebrand is not something you should do on a whim. People know your current brand, to some extent it resonates with them. If a change is needed, you don't want to jump out of the fire and into a frying pan. 

How you think about it will make a big difference.
You may need a complete overhaul. You may just to update the description of your products and services to be stronger. Or you may reposition some of what you do.
What matters is that you create a great first impression based on your current strongest capabilities, engage your audience, and give them what they need to move down your marketing and sales process.
But be careful.

Don't jump around, thinking a quick fix is "it."
Are you thinking…

We just need (another) fresh website redesign…
If only we had a hot new logo color!
What if we just change the homepage "hero image" photo? 


You can get pretty twisted up in changing the wrong things… you could miss key opportunities that will create impact…or you might  miss important details that make a difference.
At best, your site looks "better"… but that's not why anybody buys.  And if you want to stay out of the frying pan …a bad rebrand that doesn't hit the mark confuses people with two weak representations, and  is often worse than doing nothing.

Think it through. Let's make it make sense. Be cle
ar and compelling. Let's make it work powerfully to your advantage.


So what questions should you ask to develop  a "good rebrand"?

A good rebrand happens when we put fuzzy business, branding and marketing into focus. The questions you consider for your business will vary… and MUST be cutomized to gain key insight into your business. Often these questions include… What's changed in the marketplace? How has your company evolved since the last brand checkup? Have you figured out better ways to offer your product or services…or do you need to? What needs to change in your business or marketing? Why do your prospects buy? Why from competitors? Why from your company? Why do they say yes, and what does it take to move there?   Would adjusting the substance and presentation of your product and service offerings be stronger? Do we need to have a fresh new look? Is "measured evolution" or "innovative revolution" the right move?   And can we work to move your sales process towards... more sales?  We're not asking these questions randomly. They come out in our working process. And that vital reboot unravels what has gotten off track -- or never was fully on track.  When you do it well, you light up your business and its relationships. And if you did this... don't you think it would make your business more productive, efficient and more profitable?

And if you did this stuff... don't you think it would differentiate your company better, and  explain your products and services, so you could turn suspects into prospects… and prospects into customers… faster, and in great numbers?

And if you did this "PowerReBrand" stuff… is it okay with you that your business will be more productive… operate and convert prospects more efficiently… and be more profitable? 

"Its not that we need new ideas...

but we need to stop having old ideas."

— Edward Land


Why Invest?
A "brand refresh" is a type of company rebrand, that needs to be thougt throghcarefully, but needs fewer overall changes to the company's oveall branding. It may involve website, tagline, marketing stategy and marketing communications... "depending on your SMB's needs.

What's a Rebrand?

What's a Brand ReFresh?

What's the difference… which would you choose?

CEOs and CFOs quite fairly ask: Does company re-branding have a business case behind it?) 

"The brand element of that combined market value amounts to around one-third of the total, which confirms the brand as the most important single corporate asset.” 

— “Brands And Branding” (Bloomberg Press)

Grab a cup of MarketPower

30-Minute Complimentary Coffee Consult. In-Person or Virtual.

Want to empower your ReBrand? ​ Other business and marketing goals? 

We'll address your interests. Identify priorities. Provide insights using unique consulting skills. And help you sort out your thinking and potential next steps.

It's yours, with our compliments.You're buying coffee. 

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